
ARADIS eller ”ARts Against DIScrimination” är namnet på ett EU-projekt som gick av stapeln 2007. KF Kretsen var Sveriges och Umeås representanter.
Information in english follows:

ARADIS WORKSHOP – Vaasa, Finland, april 2007

ARADIS is acronym for Arts Against Discrimination. ARADIS is a sociocultural youth project for young people who want to work against discrimination, social exclusion and racism by celebrating cultural and artistic diversity without prejudice. ARADIS is a manifestation for people who think that arts can help to make the world to be a better place for everybody.”

During a week in late April 2007, youth representing 8 various countries in Europe got together and discussed, acted out and expressed opinions about art, preventing discrimination and how to combine the two. Friends were made, thoughts were exchanged and plans for the future spawned.

ARADIS was run by the awesome hosts in Vaasa, the MIRA house and KF Kretsen was one of the many collaborative partners in the project.